Private equity and venture capital is a truly national investor, providing funding and strategic expertise to businesses across the country. In the UK today, over 2,200 companies are currently backed by BVCA members, with over £30 billion invested and employing more than 800,000 people. To view a regional breakdown of the impact private equity and venture capital is having, hover over the map below for key statistics and success stories.

- Source: All figures are taken from the BVCA Report on Investment Activity from 2009-2013.
- Figures relate to investments made from 2009 to 2013 (inclusive) and exclude companies where a full divestment has occurred.
- Company numbers refer to the number of company headquarters, not company branches.
- Investment/employee figures are at the time of acquisition.
- Venture capital is defined as the following investment stages: Seed, Start-up, Early Stage, Expansion/Growth Capital, Later stage VC.
- Private equity is defined as the following investment stages: Bridge Financing, Management buy-in(MBI), a Management buyout(MBO), Other, Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE), Public to Private, Replacement Capital, Rescue/Turnaround, Secondary Buyout